Flexradio/openhpsdr.org/acquisition Logic Driver Download For Windows

  1. Flexradio/openhpsdr.org/acquisition Logic Driver Download For Windows 7
  2. Flexradio/openhpsdr.org/acquisition Logic Driver Download For Windows 10

It is becoming fashionable. After the Apple computer there came the Raspberry and Banana Pi and now the Red Pitaya.

The pitaja (also known as pitahaja or dragon fruit) is the fruit of various types of cacti, in particular the genera Hylocereus and Selenicereus. These plants occur naturally in Mexico, Central America and South America. They are also cultivated in South-East Asia in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and the south-east of China and Taiwan.

From Microwaves&RF. Sonnet Lite Release 12 from Sonnet Software is now available for free download. The no-charge three-dimensional (3D) planar electromagnetic (EM) simulator is an excellent training and learning tool for those new to the analysis capabilities of EM simulation software. DSP VOICE PROCESSOR 2 WINDOWS SOFTWARE & DRIVER.ZIP Contacts: ru3anq@mail.ru PAY PAL PAYMENT IS AVAILABLE! Compatible with any Yaesu transcevier like FT-817/857/897/450 (D), ELECRAFT K2 and FLEX.

There are three types of pitaya that are grown commercially for their fruit:
• Hylocereus undatus with white flesh and a pink-red skin
• Hylocereus polyrhizus with red flesh and a pink-red skin
• Selenicereus megalanthus with white flesh and a yellow skin

The pitayas with the pink skin have relatively little flavor, this is because the fruit is generally harvested too early in the country of origin and the fruit does not continue to ripen, unlike bananas for example. In contrast, the yellow pitaya from Colombia always tastes sweet, the taste does somewhat resemble that of kiwifruit. The pitayas can be cut in half and the flesh removed with a spoon, it is also possible to peel it before eating. The seeds can be eaten too. Many actually appreciate the seeds when consuming the fruit.

Source: Wikipedia.

The Red Pitaya
The Pitaya that is the subject of this blog is, however, something completely different. Not edible, but measurable.

Red Pitaya is an open source project developed around a re-configurable measurement instrument the size of a credit card. It can replace many expensive laboratory measurement and control instruments.
The users can start using the applications available within the ‘Bazaar’ free of charge marketplace. This can be achieved with a single click. At the same time they can view and modify the published source code in order to develop new applications and share their results with the community.
The Red Pitaya unit is a network attached device based on Linux operating system. It includes Radio Frequency signal acquisition and generation technologies, FPGA, Digital Signal Processing and CPU processing. Red Pitaya enables everyone to start using technologies, which were previously available only to advanced research laboratories and industry.

Flexradio/openhpsdr.org/acquisition Logic Driver Download For Windows

Source: http://wiki.redpitaya.com/

Why Red Pitaya?
Now with that knowledge we’re are already a long way in the right direction. But why is the Red Pitaya now considered so ‘hot’ by various amateur radio enthusiasts in the Netherlands? I think a number of developments are responsible for that:

• There has been a lot of activity in the open-source world to make the Red Pitaya measurement platform also suitable for SDR (Software Defined Radio). With thanks to Pavel Demin.
• The Red Pitaya has been halved in price. According to the January 2015 brochure from Reichelt, at that time the board cost twice as much as what it costs now (end of 2015).
• Heated debates on 3630 kHz about the various SDR solutions (FlexRadio (old and new), ANAN, HackRF, ELAD, ZEUS etc.).
And there are probably even more reasons. However, my interest was triggered because Onno, PA0ONO was already operational with a Red Pitaya transceiver and then, well, as an SDR man I did not want to be left behind. As one of the first users of the FLEX-1500 in the Netherlands and the promoter since 2006 of the various SDR receivers, I was keen to take a closer look at the Red Pitaya. Because I know from experience that Reichelt are very quick to deliver, I therefore ordered the Red Pitaya from them, and it was delivered by UPS within 2 days. Including the enclosure.

Unpacking Red Pitaya
I was actually planning to spend the next few weeks quietly experimenting with my new toy and to try various things. But as usual, enthusiasm got the better of me and so full-speed ahead. Embracing simplicity, here is a summary of what you need to do.

NB: These are instructions of how to install a fully fledged transceiver straight away. There are also other other solutions available for receive-only, using the programs SDR# or HDSDR.
• Make sure that you have a USB power supply (5 Volts, 2 A) with micro USB connector
• Buy a micro SD cart with at least 4 GB capacity
• Go to this website: http://redpitaya.com/quick-start/
• Download the Image and copy it to the SD card using Win32 Disk Image
• Follow the subsequent instructions on the quick-start website.

Flexradio/openhpsdr.org/acquisition Logic Driver Download For Windows 7

Once you have completed all this and have entered the MAC address you will, if all is well, see the page shown below in your browser:
(perhaps you still have to register and log in at the Red Pitaya.com website)

Flexradio/openhpsdr.org/acquisition Logic Driver Download For Windows 10

Friday at Dayton was “forum day.” By that I mean that I attended a slew of forums and could have attended several more. That left little time to actually scour the flea market or visit vendor booths.

I started out in the TAPR forum, but only spent a couple of minutes there. I quickly switched over to the ARRL Public Relations forum. There I got to meet Diana Eng (see previous post). I also:

  • learned about the PR resources on the new ARRL website,
  • received a “Talk on a Disk” CD that includes materials to help you prepare a presentation on ham radio for non-technical groups, and
  • received free materials from Gordon West, including an instructor’s guide for both Tech and General classes, and CD-ROMS with a number audio clips on a variety of topics.
  • En route to the Teacher’s Forum, I passed by the Antenna Forum, which looked to be very popular. There were guys standing out in the hallway trying to hear the presentation.

    The Teacher’s Forum has been moderated by Carole Perry, WB2MGP, for as long as I can remember. She always has good speakers. This year, the lineup included Gordon West and Bob Heil.

    One idea that I picked up is to use a flashing light or LED to demonstrate the idea of duty cycle. By hooking it up to a variable duty cycle oscillator, you could vary the amount of on time versus the amount of off time, and this would make a very good visual demonstration.

    This year’s presenters mostly talked about teaching kids. This fall, I plan to teach a class for seniors. If it goes well, I’m thinking that I could talk about that class at next year’s teacher forum.

    In the afternoon, I attended the Software-Defined Radio Forum. This forum was also packed. We first heard about the new FlexRadio 1500, which is a $650 SDR. Its output is only 5W, but this looks like a real bargain.

    Next up was Lyle, KK7P, from Elecraft. He gave us the Elecraft perspective on what an SDR is and what it’s not. It was interesting, but not very technical.

    After Lyle, the TAPR VP (whose name and call I forget) talked about developments with the SDR projects at TAPR. My initial impression is that while all of these developments are well-done, it’s still much less expensive to simply buy a Flex 1500. I haven’t checked the specs, though, to see if they are comparable.

    Finally, there was a talk on MacHPSDR, a native Mac implementation of a receiver for OpenHPSDR hardware. I wish that I’d been able to stay, as I am a Mac person, but I had to leave. Despite the availability of this software, you really do need to have a PC to run a software-defined radio. I don’t expect this to change in the near future.

    Well, that was certainly enough for one day. On Saturday, there were some equally interesting forums, including forums on RTTY, SSTV, antenna-modeling software, and the AMSAT forum. Despite this, I decided to not attend a single one and walk the fleamarket and visit vendor booths. More about that in the next post.