Horiba Jobin Yvon Driver Download For Windows

Data acquisition was performed using LabSpec 5 software (Horiba Jobin Yvon, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France). Previously to data acquisition the instrument was calibrated to the 520.7 cm −1 Raman line of silicon, and the laser power at the sample level was regularly controlled. Jobin Yvon Horiba LabRam n 4/59 HR RAMAN Spectrometer- 3 Lasers. It does include 3 lasers complete with power supplies, a Linkam stage controller, an Olympus BX-41 microscope with 3 objectives, CCD Camera Module, and owners manual.

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Home»ScientificProductsFluorescence SpectroscopySoftwareFluorEssence FluorEssence FAQs

My goal is to automate a Prior scientific PROSCAN II stage and the HORIBA Jobin Yvon MicroHR spectrometer & SpectrAcq2. I got from HORIBA the VI's that control the MicroHR, and I did succeed to move it and play with it (move slits etc.), but I couldn't make it with the SpectrAcq2 (controls integration time - that i want to be able to change).

Q: I have already uninstalled FluorEssence™ from the Control Panel, but the computer doesn't allow me to reinstall it. How can I ensure a clean installation?

A: If uninstall is not successful, remove the following Key from the Registry
{DCC2FF0A-96F0-4D29-A818-F2B63DCB6FFB} for FluorEssence™
{B556EF82-5CA8-4D7D-AF9A-DD83292E9DC8} for FluorEssence™DS
NOTE: Verify that the 'Display Name' entry is appropriate before deleting.

Q: How do I get the FluorEssence™ version number?

A: From the FluorEssence main menu click on 'Help'/ 'About FluorEssence'. This will show you the FluorEssence™ version number and Origin® version number. You can check all the system information by clicking the 'View System Info' button.

Q: How do I get the SpectrAcq version number?

A: From the Detectors page in the FluorEssence Experiment Setup window, put the mouse cursor on 'S' or 'R' under the 'Detector' column. The 'Firmware Version' number shown in the pop-up window is the SpectrAcq version number.

Q: How do I configure a blank subtraction file?

A: From the Detectors page in the FluorEssence Experiment Setup window, click the small square box in the Enabled detector row and under the 'Blank Subtract' column. A message appears to remind you not only to check the box but that you also need to enter a blank file. Click OK to close the message box. Then click on the empty field next to the check box, and a browse button appears. Click on the browse button to select a blank file. Only the file name gets displayed as shown below. If you want to check the file path, just put the mouse cursor on to the file name; the whole file path will appear in a pop-up window. Remember that the file must be in SPC format.

Q: How do I implement an instrument correction file?

A: Two steps are required.
Step 1. From FluorEssence™ main menu, click 'Collect' / 'Advanced Setup' / 'System Configuration' to bring up 'System Configuration' window, then choose 'Preferences' and 'Instrument Correction Files'. From this page you can enter instrument correction files.

Step 2. Reinitialize your software by going to 'Collect' / ' Advanced Setup' / 'ReInitialization'.

Step 3. From the 'Detector' page, check 'Correction' for the enabled detector.

Q: How do I add an overlay file?

A: From the FluorEssence™ Experiment Setup window, click 'Display Options' located on the left, then enter overlay files by clicking on the 'Add' button. Remember that the file format must be .SPC.

Q: I would like to run CWA (Single Point) experiments, but I don't have an automatic sample changer. How do I add more samples to the manual Samples list when only one sample is displayed?

A: Double-click on the 'Concentration' field for 'Sample 1'. The input cursor shows in that field. Press the Tab key to add another sample or click 'Add Multiples' to add multiple samples to the list.

Q: I have a MicroMax in my configuration. When I go to RTC from the Experiment Setup window the RTC window tells me I have no Accessories available. How can I make this accessory appear in RTC?

A: From the Experiment Setup window, you need to Activate the MicroMax on the Accessories page and also must select at least one cell. Alternatively, you may use the RTC direct feature that shows all configured devices.

Q: I need to resize my RTC window, but every time I go into RTC I need to resize it again. How can I retain the size of RTC window?

A: After resizing the RTC window, close this window while holding down the F8 key. The size of the window will be saved and next time you go to RTC the size will remain as you have chosen. To return to the default size, from the Experiment Setup window click on the RTC button while holding down the F8 key.

Q: Why do I need to be an administrator to install and run the FluorEssence™ software?

A: Configuration information is stored in the Windows® registry and this information must be available.

Q: How do I share data files and graphs with people who don’t have FluorEssence™ or Origin®?

A: Use the “Origin® File Viewer” Application available from Origin’s web site. This will allow you to send your OPJ files to people without Origin® or FluorEssence™ and they can view and copy the data to other sources.
The viewer can be downloaded from http://www.originlab.com/Viewer.

Q: When trying to reinstall, how can I ensure that I have a “clean” system?

A: Follow these steps

  1. Backup any data in your current installation (Usually stored in C:Program FilesJobin YvonData)
  2. If you want to retain your configuration information
    1. Go into the “System Configuration” Screen and use the “Save To File” option to make a backup copy of your configuration.
  3. Do the Uninstall operation.
  4. Rename the “C:Program FilesJobin Yvon” directory to “C:Program FilesJobin Yvon_OLD”
  5. Reboot your computer
  6. Do a full reinstall of the software.
  7. If you need to import the configuration saved in step #2, then select “Load Factory Configuration” option during installation and select the files you backed up.

Q: What is the difference between FluorEssence™ and FluorEssence™DS?

A: FluorEssence™ does not include any of the device drivers and settings required for TCSPC system operation. If you have a FluoroMax® or FluoroLog® without TCSPC, then you need FluorEssence™ (Patch and Full Installation). If you have TCSPC on your FluoroMax® or FluoroLog®, you need the FluorEssence™DS software (patch and Full installation).
CAUTION: Patches should not be mixed (i.e., applying FLDS patch to FL only system or applying FL Patch to FLDS system).

Q: I’m installing the software on my computer (not purchased from HORIBA Scientific). How do I ensure that the configuration provided by the factory is applied?

A: When installing the software, you will be prompted (possibly after rebooting) to make a selection in the “System Configuration Wizard”. Select “Load Factory Configuration” option and you’ll be prompted to select the location of the factory configuration files. They will exist either on the CD or in the “C:Program FilesJobin YvonDataFactory Config” subdirectory on your system. This configuration is only provided if the instrument was configured at the factory and does not apply to software-only upgrades.

Q: How can I automate the running of multiple experiments (Similar to DataMax Chaining of Experiments)?

A: Use the Batch Experiment feature of FluorEssence™ (Version 2.1 or later)

Horiba Jobin Yvon Driver Download For Windows 8

Q: How do I repeat the last experiment, without having to re-enter the parameters?

A: You use the “Run Loaded Experiment” button to run the last experiment over again (It looks like the “Play” button on your VCR. { >})

Q: Can I change the default values used when I start new experiments from the Main or “Super” menu?

A: No. The default values are not configurable, but you can easily save an experiment after you’ve configured it, and recall that experiment file as required.

Q: When going into RTC from Experiment Setup, my instrument state is changed. How can I go into RTC without it changing the state of my instrument?

A: RTC Direct (new in version 2.1) allows you to directly go into instrument control without having to go through experiment setup. The instrument state is read from the hardware but not moved.

Q: How do I convert a 3D scan to an image?

A: While the 3D scan waterfall plot is active, press the “3D Plot to 3D Profile” button.

Q: How can I get from the graphic display of the data to the Worksheet (table) of data?

Jobin Yvon Grating

A: The Data tab is located in the same workbook as the graph. Alternatively, you can right-click on the graph and select the “Go To xxx” option, where xxx is the data identifier. Double clicking on the graph will also give you a 'Go to Worksheet' option.

Horiba Jobin Yvon Driver Download For Windows

Q: I’ve used Origin® before, but can’t find functions I’m used to using. Are they in this version of Origin®?

A: To simplify the number of options for HORIBA Scientific customers, we have established our own menu structure that contains the most common functions of Origin® required by users and our own macros and routines for post processing. The Origin® Standard Menu is still available and can be accessed from the Format menu. Please be aware that you will need to switch back to “FluorEssence™” (HJY) menus to see the “Collect” and other options that are not standard in Origin®.


Q: I have a large number of data files I need to import into FluorEssence™ / Origin®. How can I do this?

A: If the format is ASCII or SPC, you can simply select the files in Windows® Explorer and drag-and-drop the selected files onto FluorEssence™/Origin®. The data will be automatically imported.

Q: I get a “License Expired” message when launching FluorEssence™ / Origin®, but I have a valid hardware key and it’s inserted.

A: Running multiple applications of FluorEssence™ can cause this problem. Please run only one instance of the application. If you think you are only running one application, then try restarting the PC. If the error persists, please contact service.

Q: When I change Settings in the Experiment Setup screen, these changes don’t happen on the instrument. What’s happening?

A: Experiment Setup doesn’t change the instrument settings until the experiment is executed. If you want to change the instrument settings in real-time, please use the RTC (Real Time Control) portion of the application.

Q: I get a message “Hardware Key Not Found” when starting FluorEssence™, but I know the hardware key is inserted. What can I do?

A: The following steps will give you more information about what’s happening

  1. If you look in Device Manager (Right Click My Computer > Manage > Device Manager) under “Universal Serial Bus Controllers”, you should see a entry similar to “SafeNet USB SuprerPro/UltraPro”. If this is visible, the system sees the device.
  2. If you look in Services (Right Click My Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > Services OR Start > Run > Services.msc), sometimes the SafeNet/Sentinel services need to be restarted. Locate the services and see if they say “Started” under status. If they do not, then Right click on the entry and Restart the service.
  3. Reboot the computer
  4. If you still get the key error message, please contact service for additional support.

Q: I have DataMax and FluorEssence™ installed on the same computer. When I switch between applications, it appears that my instrument is sometimes loosing calibration.

A: When switching between applications, it is always a good idea to restart the instrument hardware, as the calibration offsets are not shared between the applications. When calibrating, make sure you power cycle the instrument between switching of applications (DataMax > FluorEssence™ or FluorEssence™ > DataMax).

Q: Can I install FluorEssence™ on the same computer as SynerJY or LabSpec (other HORIBA Scientific Software applications)

A: Currently, no, as some of the common libraries may conflict. We recommend that these software applications be installed on separate computers.

Q: The computer will not let me start FluorEssence™ software properly. What do I do?

A: Be sure you have properly inserted your USB key for FluorEssence™. The software key is necessary to run FluorEssence™.

Horiba Jobin Yvon Driver Download For Windows 7

Q: I can’t perform any experiments because the nine special buttons are gray. What do I do?

A: Reset the FluorEssence™ software. Here is how: In the Collect menu, choose System UI Reset. The special buttons should become active again.

Q: How do I find help for running FluorEssence™ experiments?

A: In the Help menu, choose Data Acquisition. A help window appears.

Horiba Jobin Yvon Driver Download For Windows

Q: How do I access video tutorials for help?

A: In the Windows® Start menu, choose All Programs. Select the Jobin Yvon group, and then Video Tutorials. Click on the desired tutorial to view the video.

Q: How do I redo the same experiment without re-entering set-up parameters?

A: Choose the Auto Run Previous Experiment button. The instrument reruns the experiment with the same parameters.

Horiba Jobin Yvon Inc

Q: Can I run batches of experiments automatically?

A: Yes. The Run JY Batch Experiments button opens a dialog box with looping and timing parameters for batch experiments.

Q: Can I operate my FluoroHub or TCSPC equipment with FluorEssence™?

A: No, you need DataStation software designed specifically for these instruments. FluorEssence™ and DataStation run independently from each other and must not be used at the same time.

Q: I need to contact service. What information should I have ready for them when calling?

A: Please include the following when submitting an issue to service.

Horiba Jobin Yvon Driver Download For Windows 10

  1. Serial number of the instrument
  2. Version of software
  3. Zip File containing system information (Available from “About System Info” screen). The resulting “jysupportinfo.zip” file will contain most of the system information required by service and will minimize the requests for additional information.