HSI Driver Download

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This Answer Record describes how to use the HSI tool to create a custom driver to populate the xparameters.h file in SDK.

Step 1: Create the IP in IP Packager

In the following example a simple AXI slave IP is created and connected to the MPSoC device:

By default, IP packager generates a simple driver for the IP, so when the hardware is exported to SDK, the driver will be packaged within the hardware platform.

Step 2: Explore the Hardware design using HSI

Exported hardware designs (HDF files) can be inspected using HSI, so the tool can be used within the driver generation Tcl to customize it according to the design.

Launch the shell from SDK and call HSI to get the command prompt.

****** hsi v2018.2 (64-bit)
**** SW Build 2258646 on Thu Jun 14 20:02:38 MDT 2018
** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • Open the HW design:
INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 1 seconds
open_hw_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:10 ; elapsed = 00:00:12 . Memory (MB): peak = 519.324 ; gain = 194.016 ; free physical = 10326 ; free virtual = 350695
  • Check IPs in the design:
myip_0 ps8_0_axi_periph rst_ps8_0_99M zynq_ultra_ps_e_0 psu_axi_interconnect_0 psu_coresight_0 psu_acpu_gic psu_rcpu_gic psu_r5_tcm_ram_global psu_r5_tcm_ram_0 psu_ocm_ram_0 psu_ocm psu_r5_1_btcm psu_r5_1_btcm_global psu_r5_1_atcm psu_r5_1_atcm_global psu_r5_0_btcm_lockstep psu_r5_0_btcm psu_r5_0_btcm_global psu_r5_0_atcm_lockstep psu_r5_0_atcm psu_r5_0_atcm_global psu_bbram_0 psu_pmu_ram psu_pmu_iomodule psu_pmu_global_0 psu_mbistjtag psu_rsa psu_efuse psu_csu_wdt psu_csudma psu_smmu_gpv psu_fpd_gpv psu_cci_gpv psu_fpd_slcr_secure psu_fpd_slcr psu_smmu_reg psu_cci_reg psu_fpd_xmpu_cfg psu_apu psu_gdma_7 psu_gdma_6 psu_gdma_5 psu_gdma_4 psu_gdma_3 psu_gdma_2 psu_gdma_1 psu_gdma_0 psu_fpd_xmpu_sink psu_dpdma psu_gpu psu_dp psu_apm_5 psu_serdes psu_siou psu_afi_5 psu_afi_4 psu_afi_3 psu_afi_2 psu_afi_1 psu_afi_0 psu_crf_apb psu_pcie_dma psu_pcie_low psu_pcie_high1 psu_pcie_high2 psu_pcie psu_pcie_attrib_0 psu_sata psu_apm_0 psu_ddr_qos_ctrl psu_ddr_phy psu_ddr_xmpu5_cfg psu_ddr_xmpu4_cfg psu_ddr_xmpu3_cfg psu_ddr_xmpu2_cfg psu_ddr_xmpu1_cfg psu_ddr_xmpu0_cfg psu_adma_7 psu_adma_6 psu_adma_5 psu_adma_4 psu_adma_3 psu_adma_2 psu_adma_1 psu_adma_0 psu_ocm_xmpu_cfg psu_rtc psu_ams psu_apm_2 psu_apm_1 psu_usb_0 psu_usb_xhci_0 psu_lpd_xppu_sink psu_afi_6 psu_rpu psu_lpd_xppu psu_crl_apb psu_lpd_slcr_secure psu_lpd_slcr psu_ipi_0 psu_ipi_1 psu_ipi_2 psu_ipi_3 psu_ipi_4 psu_ipi_5 psu_ipi_6 psu_ctrl_ipi psu_message_buffers psu_iou_s psu_iou_scntrs psu_iou_scntr psu_iousecure_slcr psu_iouslcr_0 psu_r5_ddr_0 psu_ddr_0 psu_ddr_1 psu_ddrc_0 psu_sd_1 psu_wdt_0 psu_wdt_1 psu_ttc_3 psu_ttc_2 psu_ttc_1 psu_ttc_0 psu_qspi_0 psu_ethernet_3 psu_gpio_0 psu_can_1 psu_i2c_1 psu_i2c_0 psu_uart_1 psu_uart_0 psu_qspi_linear_0 psu_cortexa53_0 psu_cortexa53_1 psu_cortexa53_2 psu_cortexa53_3 psu_cortexr5_0 psu_cortexr5_1 psu_pmu_0
  • Get IP properties
  • Get IP pins
s00_axi_awaddr s00_axi_awprot s00_axi_awvalid s00_axi_awready s00_axi_wdata s00_axi_wstrb s00_axi_wvalid s00_axi_wready s00_axi_bresp s00_axi_bvalid s00_axi_bready s00_axi_araddr s00_axi_arprot s00_axi_arvalid s00_axi_arready s00_axi_rdata s00_axi_rresp s00_axi_rvalid s00_axi_rready s00_axi_aclk s00_axi_aresetn irq s_axi_intr_awaddr s_axi_intr_awprot s_axi_intr_awvalid s_axi_intr_awready s_axi_intr_wdata s_axi_intr_wstrb s_axi_intr_wvalid s_axi_intr_wready s_axi_intr_bresp s_axi_intr_bvalid s_axi_intr_bready s_axi_intr_araddr s_axi_intr_arprot s_axi_intr_arvalid s_axi_intr_arready s_axi_intr_rdata s_axi_intr_rresp s_axi_intr_rvalid s_axi_intr_rready s_axi_intr_aclk s_axi_intr_areset
  • Get IP clock pins
  • Get pin properties
  • Get pin property values
  • Check if the interrupt pin is connected to any interrupt controller

For more information on the HSI command, see (UG1138)

Step 3: Update the driver Tcl file

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Modify the Tcl script for the custom IP within the hardware platform driver as development flow.

The changes made in the driver will only be applicable for those BSP generated based on the hardware project, but once stable, the changes can be exported to the IP repository created in Vivado.

proc generate {drv_handle} {
xdefine_include_file $drv_handle 'xparameters.h' 'myip' 'NUM_INSTANCES' 'DEVICE_ID' 'C_S00_AXI_BASEADDR' 'C_S00_AXI_HIGHADDR'
#Custom Diver handler
set periph_name [get_property IP_NAME [get_cells $drv_handle]]
set found [string first $periph_name $drv_handle]
if {$found != -1} {
set ip_name [string toupper [string range $drv_handle $found [string length $drv_handle]]]
} else {
set ip_name [string toupper $drv_handle]
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file xparameters.h]
puts $file_handle '/* This is from the custom addition $ip_name */'
set clk_pins [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $drv_handle] -filter TYPEclk]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $clk_pins]} {incr i} {
set clk_freq [get_property CLK_FREQ [lindex $clk_pins $i]]
set clk_name [string toupper [get_property NAME [lindex $clk_pins $i]]]
puts $file_handle '#define XPAR_${ip_name}_${clk_name} $clk_freq'
set int_pin [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells $drv_handle] -filter TYPEINTERRUPT]
set intc_periph_type [::hsi::utils::get_connected_intr_cntrl myip_0 $int_pin]
if {$intc_periph_type != '} {
puts $file_handle '#define XPAR_${ip_name}_INTERRUPT_CONNECTED 1'
} else {
puts $file_handle '#define XPAR_${ip_name}_INTERRUPT_CONNECTED 0'
close $file_handle

The custom code in the Tcl script does the following:

  • Opens the xparameters.h file
  • Finds the IP name using the drv_handler. If the IP is in a sub block, only the driver name is used.
  • Gets all of the clock pins in the custom IP and outputs these to the header file
  • Checks if the interrupt in the custom IP is connected and outputs this to the header file
  • Closes the header file

Step 4: Test the BSP

Once the Tcl script is ready, a BSP project can be created to check if the driver for the custom IP is been generated property.

The xparameters.h file of the BSP includes the customized values:

/* This is from the custom addition MYIP_0 */
#define XPAR_MYIP_0_S00_AXI_ACLK 99990000
#define XPAR_MYIP_0_S_AXI_INTR_ACLK 99990000
HSI Driver DownloadDriver

Step 5: Integrate in the Vivado repository

In order to integrate the custom driver into the Vivado repository, just copy the Tcl script into the ip_repo folder where the IP is stored.

His Driver Download

This will trigger an IP change within Vivado, so update the design to integrate the new driver.

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This way the new script will be used each time a hardware is exported with the custom IP.